Thursday, 28 April 2011

Blogger to Twitter & Facebook - Solution 1

Recently I've been helping out loads of different lovely twitterers with their various blog issues, and I've now been encouraged to share stuff on here. I hope for those who aren't interested, it's not the biggest deal that I still share? There's a million and two things I could explain, but for this series I'm assuming you already have a blog.

Do you find yourself constantly sharing your blogpost to twitter or posting the link on your facebook page or profile? It gets very manual, eh? When I started my blog I really wanted as many people to know about my blog posts, so I consta)ntly, manually 'shared' it. But I thought to myself that there must be a solution to automate this entire procedure! AND I FOUND 2 SOLUTIONS! YAY! And I actually use both for doubling 'exposure' LOL.

NetworkedBlogs (requires a facebook account)
This is a great option - it connects your blog to your facebook profile and/or page and/or twitter and registers when your RSS feed gets updated, which it does everytime you blog. So it takes the information (including thumbnail! woot!) and posts it to Facebook and if you have set it up to Twitter too. The great thing is, people can also follow you via NetworkedBlogs and some might prefer that! The more options for subscripting, the better anyways! You can install a widget in your sidebar like I have :)

Just follow the next couple of steps!

Step 1
go to and click on 'Add Blog' (bottom half of the website)

Step 2
Grant it permission to your Facebook profile (you can revoke this later, if you want, so that it only posts to your page).

Step 3
Ignore the offer to follow specific blogs (for now). Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Home' beneath the NetworkedBlogs

Step 4
Click on 'Register a blog' and enter your blog name, your blog's web address, etc and click on 'Next'

Step 5
Click on 'Yes' on the next page

Step 6
I recommend choosing 'Use widget to verify ownership' (this is where you will have the widget on your blog so people can subscribe that way if they want to!)

Step 7
Choose either of the widgets on the following page by clicking "Install widget". Copy the text that appears underneath fully (click into the text and press Ctrl+A to highlight everything and Ctrl+C to copy everything)

Step 8
Open a new window and go to your blogger dashboard and click on 'Design' for your blog. Click on 'Add a Gadget' on your sidebar and in the pop-up window choose 'HTML/Javascript'. click

Step 9
Enter something like 'Follow via NetworkedBlogs' or whatever you like and click in the text field. Press Ctrl+V to paste the text into the text area and save.

Step 10
Move the newly created gadget/widget into the position in your sidebar where you want it and click 'save' at the top of the page.

Step 11
Go back to the window with Facebook and NetworkedBlogs and click on 'verify'

Step 12
Click on 'Syndication' on the top, which will take you to Login there via Facebook and grant all acess.

Step 13
Select your blog from the dropdown menu and click 'Add facebook target' and/or 'Add Twitter target' (for the latter a new window will open and you will have to grant the application access)

You're screen should look like this now:

YOU ARE DONE!! YAY! Well done!! Now, whenever you blog whatever targets you selected in the Syndication process will be automatically updated :)

Note: If you have multiple blogs you can do this for all of them :) This does NOT work for YouTube (but I have a solution for that too)

I hope this helps!! Comment/tweet/email me if you have further questions!! The next post will discuss Solution 2 (Feedburner)...

Much love,
Miss drifted Techno Geek


Jane Willis said...

Thanks so much for this post, I've been wondering for ages how to Tweet about my posts and mention them on Facebook without having to do it manually every time. I set it up this morning and updated my blog this afternoon. And IT WORKED.

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